Feather mani(a)!

In yesterday's post I promised you a nail post for this day, so here it is! My first attempt to a feather mani, done with real feathers. Seemed pretty easy at first, amd I can't say it's really hard to do, but cutting of the feathers after you applied it to your nails was harder than I thought...but honestly I think I did a quite good job! Look for a video tutorial here (jump to 2:48 for the feather mani with real feathers!)
What do you think about my attempt to feather nails? And also, what do you think about my new layout?


Don't forget to follow me at Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC and Fashiolista!


  1. Ooh wat een super leeuk idee dit! Grappig zeg, had er zelf nooit aan gedacht maar echt tof! Dankje voor je reactie op de foto! Je nieuwe layout is lekker fris! Wij hebben nu ook blauwe balkjes ipv. geel! Even opfrissen haha! Liefs

  2. Oh! We hebben je nu ook gevolgd op fashiolista! xxx

  3. wow, pretty cool!!



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