The Asian sensation is now finally available in Holland! I’m talking about bubble tea.
Bubble tea is a drink originally from Taiwan, with green/black tea, milk or yoghurt as base. There are various flavors to choose from, such as strawberry, passion fruit or peach and then finish it with a topping. The original topping, the ‘bubbles’, are small, gummy balls made of tapioca, but there are also other toppings like jelly or nata de coco. 

Besides bubble tea, YoYo also sells frozen yoghurt and already composed drinks (for people who don’t like to compose the drinks themselves). The drinks can be served warm or cold, just let your mood decide!

YoYo fresh tea bar is cool because they introduce the dutch people to something new and refreshing. It’s a whole new tea-experience, right in the city center, so people can have a break after shopping and try these refreshing drinks for more energy (to continue shopping!). 

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